
Truth.  We’re all seeking it in some way. We want to make sense of this world so we search for truth to understand.

Yet, truth is often relative in our society and no longer guides and defines people.  Right and wrong is left to the individual and how he or she feels about a matter.  A defining line or foundation has not been set.  When that happens, we believe lies without discernment because there is no measurement in our life to measure truth.

Often, our society defines truth by happiness, comfort or feelings. If we are happy, comfortable or feel good about something, our truth meter is ourselves. This “truthometer” will always head us down the wrong path believing our personal, deductive process establishes ultimate truth. Because of this, it is imperative to have a barometer for truth, a measurement to use.  Of course, we can’t assume that everyone wants to believe in truth. We want what WE want and we’ll go to great lengths to defend what we want.

However, truth is firm and lies are not. Truth is clear but lies leave questions.

There are two types of truth, objective and subjective truth.

Objective truth is truth independently true for all people, even if they don’t know it or recognize it to be true. (Not open for individual interpretation, it is true no matter what each sees in or of it.)  Example:  the tree is a tree.  Whether it’s green or white or brown is subjective.  It’s origin of being a tree is the objective truth.

Subjective truth is something that can be true for one person and not for another.  (Open to individual interpretation.)  Example:  A tree can be seen as green (leaves) or brown (trunk) or even yellow (leaves in fall), but it is still objectively a tree no matter what color it is.

What is truth?  Pilate asked Jesus these very words in John 18:38 and Jesus told Pilate he came to testify to the truth.  According to Webster, truth is defined as:

–        That which is without error

–        That which is completely right

–        That which is maximally right/accurate/correct

Why is seeking objective truth important? It’s valuable because it guides our life, our decisions, and our responses to what happens in life.

Whether a believer in Christ or not, that which is without error, completely right and accurate, or objective truth, should be what each of us seek.  Belief in subjective truths that have no foundation are wavering guidelines for everyday life that will lead us in a wrong direction.  We need to passionately seek objective truth and adjust our lives to accommodate that truth everyday.

What about you? How are you seeking objective truth to guide your life?

1 Comment

  1. Jayne Folkerts

    We need to remember God is the source of all truth. When seeking truth we should and are seeking after Him.

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